Rogue Subclass: Snake Oil Peddler [5.24 version]

Hello, everyone! If you’re experiencing a sense of deja vu from this post appearing in your notifications earlier, don’t fret – today’s article is a dual release (one version of this Rogue subclass for Tales of the Valiant and one for Dungeons & Dragons 5.24). Admittedly, the main difference between the two is the levels at which you gain subclass features, and some minor adjustments to wording, but separating the two posts allows people playing one game system over the other to more easily find the version relevant to their interests.

This subclass is a part of an upcoming larger project, which will see a release for both ToV and D&D 5.24! I’ll be making a more formal announcement about the project on Monday.

Rogue Subclass: Snake Oil Peddler

You are currently viewing the D&D 5.24 version of this subclass. To view the Black Flag version, click here.

“I assure you, I’m quite knowledgeable when it comes to antivenoms and tinctures. I can cure what ails you – or make it far worse.”

A con artist, a chemist, and what often passes for a doctor on the frontiers all rolled into one, you bring hope to the suffering on your travels by peddling tonics and elixirs. It may be false hope on occasion, but more often than not, the medicines you brew have some healing effects, if not to the extent that was expected after your charming presentation.

Snake Oil Peddler Progression

Rogue Level | Features

3rd | Dubious Brew, Fast Talker

9th | Disruptive Outburst

13th | Preventative Medicines

17th | Miracle Elixir

Level 3: Dubious Brew

You have developed a signature cure-all tonic which you market aggressively on your adventures. You gain a Poisoner’s Kit, and you have Proficiency with it and the Medicine skill.

You may take the Utilize Action to make a Dubious Brew with your Poisoner’s Kit. When a creature drinks this potion as a Bonus Action, they gain temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Proficiency Bonus. If the dice rolled match, the potion instead restores hit points equal to the result.

You can use this feature a number of times up to your Charisma Modifier, regaining expended uses on a Long Rest. A Dubious Brew loses its potency within 8 hours of its creation.

Level 3: Fast Talker

You know that a fast argument is much harder to refute with slow logic and reason, and that can buy you all the time you need in an emergency. You may use Charisma instead of Dexterity when rolling Initiative.

Level 9: Disruptive Outburst

When you roll dice as a result of your Sneak Attack feature, you may reroll a number of dice up to your Charisma Modifier (minimum 1), but must use the new result.

You cannot use this feature again until you complete a Short Rest.

Level 13: Preventative Medicines

While a creature has Temporary Hit Points from your Dubious Brew feature, they may remove one of the following conditions from themselves at the end of each of their turns: Charmed, Frightened, or Poisoned.

Level 17: Miracle Elixir

If a creature regains Hit Points from drinking a Dubious Brew you have created, they may choose one class feature whose use is restored on a short rest.

When a creature gains Temporary Hit Points from drinking a Dubious Brew you have created, they regain Hit Points equal to the result rolled in addition to the Temporary Hit Points granted by the potion.

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