Path of the Hollow Self, Revisited

Hello, everyone! Today’s subclass article is going to be a “5.24” update for an older Barbarian subclass. Since the 2024 PHB didn’t do a whole lot to change the timing of a subclass’s features, beyond moving their inaugural features to third level (which I’m going to probably blog about some time in the near future – I have thoughts on this approach), I tried to expand a little on the flavor of the subclass as well as fine-tune its features to better mirror other barbarian subclasses. Coincidentally, the original version of this subclass was also my first post for the year in 2022.

Path of the Hollow Self

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Most barbarians draw strength from primal forces through their rage, but a rare few embrace a far more dangerous path. During a Rage, barbarians who follow the Path of the Hollow Self leave their bodies as empty vessels open to any wrathful or malevolent spirits who may find them. These possessions draw forth power that even the most accomplished necromancers would dismiss as too dangerous, as there is no telling what nightmarish forces may rally when a strong new host is presented to the void.

You may have already known of the dark forces you channeled through your Rages, seeing ghosts and the world of the dead due to a near-death experience. Otherwise, you could have discovered the restless dead by accident while raging, only recently embracing their power. Whatever the case, you allow these spirits to possess your body for a time during your Rage, augmenting your martial skills in battle.

Those Beyond the Veil

Most barbarians who follow this primal path serve as a conduit for any spirits that happen to be present, but some find this practice draws the attention of a particular spirit who joins them in battle. If you or your GM need inspiration for a patron spirit, you may roll or choose an option from the following table.

Malevolent Spirits

1d10 | Spirit Description

1 | A disgraced ruler, cursed to wander the world for eternity.

2 | A discorporate lich, somehow unable to form a new body.

3 | An orphaned avatar of a war god or demon, disconnected from its true self.

4 | An unidentified spirit who claims to be a departed loved one.

5 | A forgotten soul who has accidentally strayed from their journey to the afterlife.

6 | A being antithetical to all life, formed from pure negative energy.

7 | The vengeful ghost of a person falsely executed for a crime.

8 | A dark trickster spirit who wishes to assume your identity.

9 | A warrior who died under a blood oath to slay a foe who still lives.

10 | The once-noble ghost of a paladin, driven mad in their purgatory.

Level 3: Harrying Souls

Your Rage draws violent spirits to guide you and usher your foes to join them in death. While your Rage is active, a creature starting its turn within 10 feet of you takes necrotic damage equal to your Rage damage, and cannot recover hit points until the start of its next turn.

Additionally, while your Rage is active, when you miss a creature with a melee weapon attack, it takes necrotic damage equal to your Rage damage.

Level 3: Occult Insights

You have learned to consult the spirits you embrace to seek information hidden from you. You may cast detect magic, but only as a Ritual.

When you attempt an ability check which does not add your proficiency bonus to the result, you may roll 1d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You regain any expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

Level 6: Wrathful Exorcism

When a spell would bind you, your possession ends, sending forceful necromantic backlash back to its caster. While your Rage is active, if you fail a saving throw against the effects of a spell or magical effect, you may immediately end your Rage as a Reaction to cause the triggering spell or effect to fail and have no effect. The creature who cast the spell or effect must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 plus your Wisdom modifier and Proficiency Bonus) or take necrotic damage equal to your barbarian level, or half as much on a success.

Level 10: Necrotic Siphon

The spirits you channel shield you from other death magic directed at you. While your Rage is active, you are considered an Undead creature.

Additionally, you gain immunity to necrotic damage while you are raging. When an effect or attack would have dealt necrotic damage to you, until the end of your next turn, your next melee weapon attack deals additional necrotic damage equal to your barbarian level.

Level 14: Clawing Nightmares

The ghosts drawn to you sense death in your foes and instinctively clamor to drag them into the afterlife. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 plus your Wisdom modifier and Proficiency Bonus). A creature who fails this saving throw is grabbed and clawed by spectral hands from all directions. For the next minute, the creature is restrained and takes 1d6 necrotic and 1d6 slashing damage at the start of each of its turns.

A creature may re-attempt this saving throw to end this effect once at the end of each of its turns.

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