Hello, everyone! This month’s subclass is a new monk subclass focused on brewing consumable teas and potions.
Monastic Tradition
Way of the Herbal Brewery
Monks of the Way of the Herbal Brewery are usually devotees of other monasteries who have taken up the culinary arts as a hobby. These monks may serve as local healers or medicine men as well as chefs or members of the clergy. They use their discipline and ki to brew potent teas and potions which can delight the senses as well as bolster their imbibers in combat.
Rapid Quaff
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you have learned to discard your sense of taste in urgent situations. You may expend a ki point to drink a potion or tea you are holding as a bonus action on your turn.
Brewing Disciplines
Also when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you begin to master the techniques to brew teas and potions. At the end of a long rest, you can prepare a number of tea and potion recipes equal to your Intelligence modifier.
At the end of a short or long rest, you can brew a single potion or a pot of tea. Doing so will reduce your maximum number of ki points by a number specified in the list of brewing recipes.
Brewing a pot of tea will produce a batch with enough servings for up to 6 people. However, the effects that the tea may provide diminish as it cools, so a tea must be consumed within an hour of producing it or it will have no effect. A creature who drinks a tea cannot gain the effects of another serving of tea until they complete a short or long rest.
Brewing Supplies
This content assumes that a monk belonging to the Way of the Herbal Brewery can either find or carries the supplies to produce their potions and teas. In certain campaigns and settings, the ability to produce consumable items for “free” may not be desirable to your GM.
Be sure to talk with your GM about the availability of consumable items before using this Monastic Tradition in your campaign.
Fortifying Brews
Starting at 6th level, your experimentation with new brewing techniques and ingredients begins to produce heartier beverages. Whenever a creature drinks a tea or potion you have brewed, in addition to the tea or potion’s effect, they gain temporary hit points equal to two times your monk level. They must finish a long rest before they can benefit from this feature again.
Invigorating Brew
Beginning at 11th level, you have begun to include new stimulants into your brews. On the turn a creature drinks a tea or potion you have brewed, they may take an extra action.
Pacifying Teas
Starting at 17th level, you have recognized the tranquility you can offer someone with a cup of tea. If you are carrying a serving of tea, you may offer it to an enemy within your reach as an action. The target must make a Charisma saving throw(DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier). If it fails, the target accepts and drinks the tea. The target cannot make attacks against you or your allies for ten minutes, or until it takes damage.
Brewing Recipes
Potion of Animal Friendship. 1 ki point.
Potion of Greater Healing. 3 ki points.
Potion of Heroism. 4 ki points.
Potion of Lesser Healing. 2 ki points.
Potion of Water Breathing. 3 ki points.
Amber Honey Tea 2 ki points. For ten minutes after they drink this tea, a creature gains advantage on any Charisma(Persuasion) check, but disadvantage on any melee or ranged weapon attacks.
Dragonspice Tea 2 ki points. For one minute after they drink this tea, a creature may deal an additional 1d4 fire damage on each successful weapon attack.
Knucklebone Tea 3 ki points. For ten minutes after they drink this tea, a creature who is reduced to 0 hit points may choose to remain conscious.
Panther Vine Tea 2 ki points. For ten minutes after they drink this tea, a creature gains advantage on any Dexterity(Stealth) check.
Skull Blossom Tea 1 ki point. For one hour after they drink this tea, a creature is considered undead, regardless of their regular creature type, and gain vulnerability to radiant damage. Whenever that creature would regain hit points, they also gain an equal number of temporary hit points.
Spark Lily Tea. 1 ki point. For one minute after they drink this tea, a creature may take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on their turn, and their jump distance is doubled.
Whisperleaf Tea 2 ki points. For eight hours after they drink this tea, a creature can telepathically communicate with anyone else who has drunk this batch of Whisperleaf Tea, whether or not they share a common language. The communication is possible over any distance, though it can’t extend into other planes of existence.