Paladin Oath – Oath of the Fairies

Hello, everyone! This week’s Paladin Oath is ready for all your Fey-themed adventures (and Beyond, as a new book from Wizards of the Coast next week implies!) Also included in this update is the Feyborn background, offering you ways to give even your non-paladin characters some ties to the Feywild as well.

Paladin Oath – Oath of the Junker

Hello, everyone, and Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it! Today’s article is a new subclass, the Oath of the Junker. The intent for the subclass is for it to be exclusive to goblin paladins, but should you be so moved to use it with another character concept, it’s certainly within your GM’s prerogative to…

Paladin Oath – Oath of Conscription

Hello, everyone! Today’s article is a new Paladin Oath, originally suggested by a Twitter follower (@CurseOfSebs) an embarrassingly long time ago. Paladins swearing the Oath of Conscription are bound to infernal powers rather than their own gods, trying to either redeem evildoers or at least utilize them for the greater good. However, this treacherous path…