Primordial Hunters

Hello, everyone! Today’s article introduces a new Druid Circle, the Circle of the Heavens. Unlike other classes, for some reason, I don’t see as many Druids in the games I play and GM. If anything seems strange or plays unusually in your game while using this Druid Circle, please let me know in the comments!…

Heirs to Power

Happy Friday, everyone! Today, I’m introducing a new character background, the Primordial Shard, which is a living descendant of a Primordial or someone who has been profoundly affected by one. One thing which makes the Primordial Shard character background unique is that, unlike most backgrounds, it grants additional combat ability to a character. When designing…

Idbris, the Mind Devourer

Hello, everyone! To continue Primordial Power, today I’m going to introduce you to a Primordial to potentially introduce to your campaign setting. A Primordial’s profile consists of a few details – a domain the Primordial represents, a brief description of the Primordial, a Cataclysm which will occur if the Primordial is on the Mortal Plane…

Survivors of the Endless War

Happy Friday, everyone! Today I’ll be introducing the Genie player race, as well as one of the two Genie subraces which will be found in Primordial Power, the Genie Nobles.

Primordial Power

Eons ago, the gods waged war with a chaotic race of elementals, the primordials. Once these fearsome titans were destroyed or sealed away, but now mortal folly may be the world’s undoing, as cults to the primordials rise to power.